Adverb clausa

Adverb clause terdiri dari dua kata : adverb yg artinya kata kerja dan clause yg artinya anak kalimat.Pengertian dari adverb clause sendiri adalah kalimat dimana anak kalimat berfungsi untuk menjelaskan kata kerja. Penulisan adverb clause dapat dituliskan dengan rumus : Subject + predicet + conj + subject + predicet misalnya :  They  will leave  before  you  get here    S          P         conj      S        P   Jenis-jenis Adverb Clause Adverb clause of time When, While, before, after      For public who have before inflation outlook remains highly detrimental. Adverb clause of place Where, wherever     The bussinnes world refers not only to a piece of real estate where we might buil a factory. Adverb clause of cause Because, since, as      Because Rio gets a job again, her economic life isn't hard anymore. Adverb clause of condition If, unless      We won't havea good economy unless goverment trying harder again. Adverb clause of purpose That, so that      Vino is saving saving his money so that vino may take a long vacation. Adverb clause of contracst Although, though      Although the price of food goes up, people still need to buy it. Adverb clause of manner As if, as though   Indonesia economy as if this cann't be in control.

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